Diversity Charter in Hungary
Diversity Charter in Hungary - European level cooperation on behalf of equal opportunities
29 May 2015 - Mtd Consulting Group in cooperation with KÖVET Association launched the Diversity Charter in Hungary within the framework of IV Equal Opportunities Conference, for which it shall provide the chance to join continuously in the future after its establishment.
So far 40 employers - 31 of whom have welcomed the initiative with personal signatures - have preliminarily indicated their intention to join the Hungarian Diversity Charter. The founders - as the first step of a long process - have voted for establishing equal opportunities and welcoming company cultures. The organisers introduced the initiative of the Diversity Charter in details as well as its expected effects on the labour market and its justification during a panel discussion.
The Diversity Charter was launched in France more than ten years ago, in 2014 as the first written document, which declared the anti - discrimination principles supporting equal opportunities in employment in the European Union and promoted them among employers. Among those, who introduced it in Hungary, founded or signed it, are the companies, institutes who declared their intention of joining by undersigning it as follows:
Alcoa - Köfém Ltd., BP, BT Roc Ltd., Consequit Co., Design Terminal NKK, Diageo Business Services Ltd., Dorsum ICT Development and Service Co., Egis Pharmaceuticals Co., Eisberg Hungary Ltd., Evopro Consortium, Penal Institute for Under Aged, Gábor Dénes Collage, GAK Training, Researc and Innovation Nonprofit Ltd., Győr-Moson-Sopron County Chamber of Commerce and Trade, Henkel Hungary Ltd., Hilti Hungária Ltd., HR Partner Consulting Ltd., K&H Bank Co., L'Oréal Hungary Cosmetics Ltd., MagNet Hungarian Community Bank Co., Hungarian Posta Co., MAM Hungária Ltd., McDonald's Hungarian Restaurant Network Ltd., MVM Hungarian Electricity Works Co., Nova-Papír Co., Ongropack Ltd., Provident Financial Co., Sanofi Co., Sodexo Hungary Ltd., Tigáz Group, XAPT Hungary Ltd.
Further employers who have signed the Diversity Charter following the foundation undersigning ceremony:
Bácsvíz Co., Union Insurance, Budapest Chamber of Commerce and Trade, Vienna Life Insurance, Hewlett Packard ICT Ltd., Erste Insurance, and Miskolc Holding Co.
"We shall bring together multicolour and receptive company cultures in order that they can make further steps more easily together towards establishing an attractive and responsible employer role. On the other hand, added value is extremely important from employees' point of view, if a company publicly acknowledges its commitment to social issues," said Judit Németh, founder of mtd Consulting Group, the company introducing the Diversity Charter in Hungary.
Introducing of Diversity Charter in Hungary is also welcomed by the Ministry of Human Resources.
"The Ministry of Human Resources supports all initiatives that serve creating equal chances and cooperation between generations that is why it considers useful and supports Diversity Charter too," said Deputy State Minister for Family and Youth Affairs Endre Fürész.
"We consider cooperation between different generations and passing each other's values important. The younger and older generations are all resources that is why this initiative is really important for the Ministry of Human Resources," she added.
For further information, please contact mtd Consulting Group, which initiated the introduction of the Charter in Hungary via the e-mail on info@mtdtanacsado.hu .